Emergency Care

What should I do if I have a broken bracket or wire?

Cover any sharp ends with orthodontic wax and contact us as soon as possible for an appointment. Please do not do DIY fixes or cut it yourself, as it may cause issues with the movement of your teeth.

How do I handle an orthodontic emergency at home?

For minor issues like discomfort, use over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses. If you feel you are having a genuine emergency, call us or head to the emergency room.

Can I wait until my next appointment to address a loose appliance?

It's best to inform us immediately so we can advise if the issue needs immediate attention.

Who should I contact for orthodontic emergencies outside office hours?

Call our emergency contact number provided to our patients for urgent orthodontic issues after hours.


Can I eat and drink while wearing my Invisalign aligners?

It's recommended to remove aligners while eating or drinking anything other than water to avoid damage and staining.

What is the recommended daily wear time for Invisalign aligners?

Aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day for optimal results.

How long does Invisalign treatment typically take?

Treatment times vary, but on average, it ranges from 12 to 18 months, depending on the complexity of the case.

How do I clean my Invisalign aligners?

Clean them daily with a soft toothbrush and lukewarm water, avoiding hot water as it can warp the plastic.

Two-phase Treatment

At what age should my child be evaluated for two-phase treatment?

The ideal age for an initial evaluation is around 7 to 8 years old.

What are the benefits of two-phase treatment?

It can address significant orthodontic issues early, potentially reducing the need for more invasive treatments later.

How long does each phase of treatment last?

Phase One typically lasts 9-18 months, followed by a resting period, with Phase Two usually starting in the early teen years and lasting 1–3 years, depending on complexity.

Is two-phase treatment necessary for all children?

No, it's recommended based on individual needs and specific orthodontic issues.

Life with Braces

What foods should I avoid with braces?

Avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can damage braces, like popcorn, nuts, and gum.

Will braces cause discomfort?

Some discomfort is normal, especially after adjustments, but it typically subsides within a few days.

How often do I need to visit the orthodontist with braces?

Regular check-ups are usually every 4-8 weeks to adjust and monitor progress.

Can I still play sports with braces?

Yes, but it's important to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth and braces during contact sports.

Ortho Retention

Why is wearing a retainer important after braces?

Retainers help maintain the position of your teeth after braces, preventing them from shifting back.

How long do I need to wear my retainer?

Initially, full-time, then eventually only at night. Duration varies based on individual cases.

What should I do if my retainer doesn't fit anymore?

Contact us immediately for an evaluation; you may need a new retainer or aligners to get your teeth back into proper positions.

Will my speech be affected by wearing a retainer?

There may be a brief adjustment period, but any speech changes are typically temporary.

Ortho FAQs

At what age should someone start orthodontic treatment?

Treatment can start at any age, but the typical age for beginning treatment is between 10 and 14 years.

Can adults benefit from orthodontic treatment?

Absolutely, orthodontic treatment is effective at any age.

How long does orthodontic treatment usually last?

On average, treatment lasts 18-24 months, but it varies depending on individual needs.

Ortho Dictionary

What is malocclusion?

Malocclusion refers to misaligned teeth or a faulty bite pattern.

What does the term “band” refer to in orthodontics?

A band is a metal ring placed around a tooth as part of braces.

What are ligatures/O-rings in orthodontics?

Ligatures, also known as O-rings, are small elastic bands or fine wires that hold the archwire to the brackets on your teeth. They play a crucial role in applying the correct amount of pressure to move teeth.

What are elastics in orthodontic treatment?

Elastics, often referred to as rubber bands, are used in orthodontics to apply additional pressure to teeth in a specific direction. They are typically hooked onto brackets and help in aligning your jaw and correcting your bite.

Common Treatments

What are the benefits of choosing metal braces for orthodontic treatment?

Metal braces are highly effective for a wide range of orthodontic issues. They're durable, offer precise control over teeth movement, and can be customized with colored bands for a unique look.

Are there less visible options than metal braces?

Yes, options like ceramic braces and Invisalign offer more discreet treatment methods.

How do I care for my Clarity braces?

Care for Clarity braces involves regular brushing and flossing, avoiding hard and sticky foods, and attending regular orthodontic appointments for adjustments.

Is Invisalign as effective as traditional braces?

Invisalign can be as effective as traditional braces for many orthodontic issues, especially for mild to moderate misalignments.

Common Appliances

What is a palatal expander?

A palatal expander is a device fitted to the upper jaw to widen the dental arch. It gently separates the bones in the palate, allowing for the correction of crossbites and overcrowding, or to create space for incoming teeth in growing children.

What is a Herbst appliance?

The Herbst appliance is used to correct overbites by encouraging the lower jaw to catch up in growth. It's typically used in growing children and consists of metal tubes that connect the upper and lower jaws.

What is a Twin Block appliance?

A Twin Block is a removable orthodontic appliance used to correct a Class II malocclusion where the lower jaw is too far back. It consists of two blocks that interlock at a specific angle to encourage the lower jaw to move forward.

What are space maintainers?

Space maintainers are custom-made appliances used to hold space open for permanent teeth when baby teeth are lost prematurely. They help ensure that there is enough room for adult teeth to emerge in the correct position.